Research Methods
Most of the research we did was online. We started off with googling the praxinoscope and figuring out how it works, around what time it was invented, by who it was invented and for what it was used originally. This provided us a solid historical context that we could build up on. By researching the function, use and context of the object, we became conscious of different elements and properties of the praxinoscope that inspired us for the making of the prototype.

The drawback of this researching method is, that it was not easy to find extensive materials and articles about the praxinoscope. However, we discovered some examples of the contemporary use of these techniques that were very creative and inspiring.

As a next step, we wanted to find out more about other sources that could provide us with more information. We found some museums that deal with film and animation but unfortunately we weren't able to visit them due to the current circumstances. Instead, we ventured through their websites and tried to experience it in this way.

Another method that we were trying was searching for Facebook groups or Internet forums that are run by people interested in early cinema and animation techniques like the praxinoscope. Unfortunately, our search didn't really lead to anything since there were not many groups existent. the ones which were, weren't active currently.
History of the praxinoscope
Links to the museums and galleries we found:
Eye Filmmuseum
The Cinema Museum
Science Museum Group
Au praxinoscope
Pre-cinema resources Museu del cinema
Materials in Motion
A million Pictures